Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jobs in Guinness Nigeria - A Diageo Plc company

Please note that the roles below have been advertised on the Career Shop:

Roles Career Shop Ref. No.

1. Divisional Customer Marketing Manager - Aba 16045BR
2. Customer marketing planning analyst - Field 16059BR
3. Cold Space Manager 16063BR


Kindly apply by following carefully the guidelines below

Candidates who have access to the Diageo Intranet
Interested candidates who have access to the Diageo intranet should please submit their CV through the Diageo Career Shop by going through the following steps:

Call up the Diageo intranet
Enter your username & password
At the Diageo home page, Click on ‘Career Shop’ (the 7th item under ‘Functions’)
Click on ‘Search & Apply’
Click on ‘Search Openings’
In the Search Openings page please go to ‘Key word’ (the 7th box) and enter ‘Ref No as indicated above'
Click ‘Search’
Click on ‘Submit to job(s)’ and submit your CV

B. Candidates who do not have access to the Diageo Intranet
Interested candidates who do not have access to the Diageo intranet should please submit their CV through the Diageo Career Shop by going through the following steps:

Click on the following link:
Click on ‘Search & Apply’
Click on ‘Search Openings’
In the Search Openings page please go to ‘Key word’ (the 7th box) and enter ‘Ref No as indicated above’
Click ‘Search’
Click on ‘Submit to job(s)’ and submit your CV

Please note the following:
Succession plans will be considered during the hiring process.
Line Manager's consent is a pre-requisite for internal candidate application.

Receipt of applications submitted through both the INTRANET and the INTERNET has commenced. The CLOSING DATES are as follows:

1. Divisional Customer Marketing Manager - Aba 25/04/2008 (As earlier published)
2. Customer marketing planning analyst - Field 28/04/2008
3. Cold Space Manager 28/04/2008

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