Saturday, April 12, 2008

Jobs at Save the Children Nigeria for Several Positions

Jobs at Save the Children Nigeria, Careers at Save the Children Nigeria, Save the Children Nigeria Jobs - Jobs in Nigeria by Careers NigeriaSave the Children is in the process of applying for USAID PEPFAR funding to support a project that will provide services to orphans and vulnerable children and families affected by HIV and AIDS.
The project will work with the Association of Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) and several civil society organizations in the states of Bauchi, Kano, Kaduna, and Niger to improve access of children and families to HIV/AIDS testing and treatment services, and to provide support in such areas as education access, economic strengthening, nutrition education, and psychosocial support.
In anticipation of this upcoming project, Save the Children is looking for interested and qualfied individuals to serve in the following senior positions in the project:
1) Deputy Chief of Party (Program Manager)
Key Responsibilities: The Program Manager will assist the Chief of Party in providing direct oversight and management of all project staff, activities, and outputs, including:• Assist the Chief of Party in directly managing all project planning, implementation, and evaluation activities (and in coordination with the M&E advisor).• Directly line manage the four state-based managers, and provide oversight and guidance for all project implementation plans, activities, and reports.• Assist the CoP with all grant and financial management activities, including disbursal of sub-grants, budget monitoring, and ensuring all donor/organizational requirements are met.• Assist in preparing all narrative reports, and in ensuring that all donor/organizational reporting and documentation requirements are met.• Assist the OD advisor in designing and implementing an organizational assessment and development plan for each partner organization.• Assist the M&E advisor in coordinating all monitoring and evaluation activities.• Liaise with organizational support departments (admin, finance, HR, logistics) to ensure that administrative support is effectively provided to the project as required.• Ensure that SC principles of effective programming are integrated into all aspects of the project, and assist the CoP with advocacy activities as appropriate to the project.• Represent the Chief of Party in his or her absence, and serve as interim CoP as needed.This position will report directly to the Chief of Party for the project, and will line manage the four state-based managers.
Qualifications: At least ten years experience managing large-scale programmes covering multiple areas of intervention and at least 20-30 staff. Proven expertise in HIV/AIDS, working with children and families, using community-based approaches. Experience building capacity of local organizations, and building coalitions with a wide variety of stakeholders. Experience working in psychosocial areas of intervention, and in programs that address issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Excellent oral and written communication skills; experience managing large budgets; managing staff teams; and excellent networking and interpersonal skills.
2) Organizational Development (OD) Advisor
Key Responsibilities: The OD Advisor will take the lead in designing and implementing a plan for the organizational development of each partner organization.• Engage with ARFH in an organizational assessment, using mutally agreed assessment guidelines, objectives, and processes.• From this assessment, work with ARFH to develop a plan for building organizational capacity in technical areas and in adminstrative areas (finance, human resources, etc.)• Guide the implementation of the OD plan by overseeing the provision of training, mentoring, and other forms of support to ARFH througout the lifecycle of the project.• Engage with each of five state-based CSOs in a similar process of assessment, planning, and implementation of OD plans, although on a less intensive and detailed level.• Support partners as needed with all financial and narrative reporting requirements, and with monitoring and evaluation activities (in coordination with the M&E advisor)• Conduct annual reviews with partners to assess progress and areas needing more support.This position will report directly to the Chief of Party for the project, and will serve in an advisory capacity to the partner organizations and project staff.
Qualifications: At least ten years experience managing programs through partnerships, and building capacity of local organisations, which includes conducting assessments, developing OD plans, and providing training/guidance to facilitate their implementation. Excellent networking and interpersonal skills; ability to constructively engage a wide variety of stakeholders, and to motivate and mobilize groups and individuals. Expertise in HIV/AIDS, in particular working with children and families, using community-based approaches, and in addressing issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Excellent oral and written communication skills; experience helping partners to manage budgets and to meet reporting and documentation requirements successfully.
3) Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Advisor
Key Responsibilities: The M&E Advisor will take the lead in developing and implementing M&E systems for all project activities in coordination with the Program Manager, partners, and field staff.• Based on the project proposal and implementation plan, and donor reporting requirements, develop a system for capturing and documenting data and relevant information on project activities, beneficiaries, outputs, and impacts.• Coordinate with program manager, partners, and state-based staff to ensure that data collection and documentation systems are feasible, accurate, relevant, and appropriate.• Ensure an effective roll-out of M&E systems through training, mentoring, guidance, monitoring, field visits, and other forms of support as needed.• Produce forms and systems for capturing data that are both relevant and “user friendly”: which can capture accurate information, but are not overly reliant on complex databases.• Develop systems for collecting information that is both quantitative and qualitative.• Establish reporting schedules/systems to ensure all donor reporting requirements are met.• Help coordinate project review and evaluation activites as required.This position will report directly to the Chief of Party for the project, and will serve in an advisory and capacity to all project staff and partner organizations.
Qualifications: At least ten years experience in designing/implementing monitoring and evaluation systems for a variety of programs. Proven experience in training program staff at all levels of M&E experience in using M&E systems that are accurate and reliable, yet practical and “user friendly”. Experience in HIV/AIDS issues and reporting on impacts of care and support services for children and families, on community-level activities, and on psycho-social services. Excellent oral and written communication skills; strong interpersonal skills; organized, with attention to detail, yet flexible in understanding field-level constraints. Demonstrated skills and experience in developing a wide variety of data collection and reporting systems.
To Apply for any of these 3 positions: Send CV and a cover letter highlighting relevant experience and qualifications, and indicating which position you are applying for, to Deanne Evans at: no later than 21 April 2008. Nigerian nationals are highly encouraged to apply.
Please note that this is not yet a secure position; it is an anticipated position for an anticipated project – for which funding is not yet confirmed.

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