Monday, February 18, 2008

BTS/TX Power Optimization Engineer At MTN

BTS/TX Power Optimization Engineer At MTN

Department: Network Group

Location: Lagos

Job Description:

1) Identifies, develops and specifies mechanical/electrical maintenance operations and repair standards/programs to prevent, control and abate the deterioration of HVAC, mechanical, electrical engineering equipments of MTN Nigeria’s building systems/elements and minimize energy use
2) Monitors and analyzes energy consumption of MTN Nigeria’s developing and implementing energy conservation to ensure optimization of energy and cooling systems operations so that reliability and economic benefits are maximized within the parameters of MTN Nigeria policies, tariffs, contract specifications and industry standards
3) Interacts and supports other Facilities Services departments in the development of specification of identified scheduled maintenance and repair activities for MTN Nigeria’s buildings and building systems/elements
4) Collects, collates and provide MTN Nigeria’s energy consumption levels
5) Carry out random checks to audit compliance of deployed utility specifications
6) Evaluate new network deployment utility technologies, products and methodologies aimed at enhancing and sustaining MTNN’s competitive advantage as a low cost network rollout organization

Job Conditions: Normal MTNN working conditions

Reporting To: Power Planning & Optimization Manager

Required Skills:

Minimum of five(5) years industrial Engineering construction project experience preferably in Telecoms environment
Experience in Power System Strategy

Employment Status : Permanent

A first degree in Mechanical/Electrical/Civil Engineering A masters degree in Mechanical Engineering or MBA shall be an added advantage Professional qualification from accredited Engineering institutions

This vacancy expires on 2/26/2008

Click on the link below

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